Introducing true memetility


AstroElon is a community of crypto-enthusiasts working to bring real value in the explosive meme coin arena.



Be at the forefront of economical NFT trading.

Introducing AstroZero, the gasless NFT marketplace with the lowest fees starting at 0.25% utilising our native #ELONONE token



Introducing RocketDash, our huge multiplayer P2E rocket racing game.

Customise your builds, farm NFTs from a staking and betting perspective.



We will be introducing more and more unique utility functions within the ELONONE ecosytem.

Join the ride!

About astroelon


AstroElon, AKA #ELONONE is a fully decentralized, safe, community-owned cryptocurrency with real utility and is the first true memetility project inspired by Elon Musk.

#ELONONE is fully owned and governed by its amazing community. Our volunteers AKA ‘Cadets’ consistently discuss new ideas and help build #ELONONE into the most positive and impactful community in crypto. Salute to the Cadets!

The #ELONONE project is safe, with a 100 year liquidity lock and a successful security audit by Solidity Finance. Learn more about the token in the ‘ELONONE Token’ section.



#ELONONE is a hyper-deflationary, holder-rewarding ERC-20 Protocol. 

The ELONONE token is also designed to put holders first, with a 2% reflection fee on each transaction that is instantaneously and automatically redistributed to every holder proportional to their balance at the time of each transaction. This is also known as auto-staking – simply hold ELONONE in your wallet and watch the balance grow!

Our 2 core platforms – AstroZero (gasless NFT Marketplace) and RocketDash (3D NFT Rocket Racing Game) are the center-piece of our ecosystem and utilise our native #ELONONE token.


The circulating supply of #ELONONE is shrinking every day due to burn wallets accruing more and more tokens automatically.

2% Reflections

Each transaction is taxed 2% so that holders can watch their stack automatically grow in their wallet.

Vitalik buterin burn

40% of the total #ELONONE supply has been burned thanks to the legendary Vitalik for burning his 387,528,768,307,294 stack.

We salute you Cadet Vitalik!

100 year liquidity lock

Upon launch, Astro locked the initial liquidity (and therefore the entire circulating supply) in the UNISWAP pool for 100 years.

join the elonone mission to mars

its a movement

Where can you buy?

How to buy #ELONONE

View the official how to buy video guides below

Text instructions:

– Download an ERC-20 token supported wallet like Trust Wallet or MetaMask.
– Buy ETH through your wallet.
– CLICK ON ▶️ Buy on Uniswap ◀️ to go to the $ELONONE Uniswap interface.
– Connect your ETH wallet to Uniswap.
– Make sure ETH is on top and $ELONONE is on the bottom.
– Click the ⚙️ icon and set slippage to 3%-7%.
– Click on “No Liquidity! Click to trade with V2”.
– Click “Swap” and then click “confirm swap”.
– It should take you to your wallets’ main page to complete the transaction and you’re done!

astroelon core

Meet the Team


Full Stack Developer


Project Lead


Rocketdash Developmental Lead


AstroZero Management


RocketDash Community Lead


Technology Lead / Community Management

Thankyou to CloudMoney for the team artwork.

ecosystem - Gasless NFT marketplace

AstroZero is an NFT Marketplace founded upon the ELONONE community principles and built with the current NFT Market state in mind. With a user-first approach, we are able to offer new-to-industry UVPs (Unique Value Propositions) that truly empower creators and other NFT Market participants through enhanced and tailored UX components.

For gasless transactions to work on AstroZero, we utilise meta transactions. A meta transaction on the blockchain, is an EIP-2771 compliant transaction which is signed by a user via their private key and relayed to a trusted forwarder (node) to execute the transaction on their behalf.

Users will be able to get involved with several form of payments, not being strictly restricted to our native ELONONE token which lowers the barrier to entry. Users can utilise ETH on AstroZero for a 0.7% fee as well as other currencies. Remember, using ELONONE will always result in the cheapest fees starting at 0.25%.

You can read up more on AstroZero gasless NFT marketplace directly in our whitepaper.


Lowest platform fees
0 %

Hold #ELONONE for premium promotions and priority access

Mean average network fee
0 $
Redistributions recieved when using ELONONE
0 %
ecosystem - NFT racing game

RocketDash is our 3D NFT Rocket Racing game with a play-to-earn approach. It incorporates crypto-betting, multiplayer and gamer progression into an addictive game where users can race their NFT rockets in multiple space themed environments for NFT/crypto rewards.


Purchase rockets as NFTs and race them.
Take your rocket into ‘build’ to customize and improve.
Race against other players in multiplayer.
Earn NFTs (exclusive rockets) & crypto by winning competitions.

You can read up more on RocketDash directly in our whitepaper.


Customisation Count
0 +
players per race

enlist as a cadet today

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members."
Coretta Scott King
- American Author