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A Minecraft plugin for paper servers.


The bot can currently do all the checked items, unchecked will be implemented in the future.


See Installation for detailed installation instructions with pictures.

Quick install:

  1. Download the latest release and put it into <your server directory>/plugins.
  2. Restart the server.
  3. Create a new discord bot and app here.
  4. Go into the console of your server and type token <your discord bot token>
    OR go into the <serverDirectory>/plugins/MCDC/config.yml file and change the value of apiToken to your token.
  5. Invite the bot to your servers, by clicking on the link in your console. (Instructions here)


Discord commands

Command Instructions Link Permissions
link link No special permissions required.
setup setup DiscordServerAdmin, DiscordBotAdmin
(Either in the config file of the server or as
permissions on the discord server)
createChannel create-channel DiscordServerAdmin, DiscordBotAdmin
(Either in the config file of the server or as
permissions on the discord server)
createRole create-role DiscordServerAdmin, DiscordBotAdmin
(Either in the config file of the server or as
permissions on the discord server)

Minecraft commands

Command Instructions Link Permissions (config.yml) Default OP Level
link link No special permissions required
(Optional: accountEdit)
account account accountEdit 3
token token configEdit 3
config config configEdit 3


<server directory>/plugins/MCDC/config.yml:

See configuration for more information.

Get the ID of a text channel:

See get the channel ID for information on this.

Building from source

See Building from Source for information, on how to do this.


Version Link to documentation Documentation Mirror
stable (v0.8.4-beta)